Float tank
(2018, Matthew Ryan Herget)
Float Tank
2018 | Oil on canvas | 60 x 48 inches | Inquire
2018 | Oil on canvas | 60 x 48 inches | Inquire
“My philosophy: Don't get caught with a fixed philosophy, a set
of safe beliefs, a particular way of life.
Experiment! With life, with love.
Run an exploration of the real and the true degrees of freedom
of life, of love, of the human condition, inside self and in one's
style of life.
Move! Into new spaces beyond one's present concepts of possible/probable/certain real spaces.
Far vaster than I now know are the innermost/outermost realities.
Far more interesting than I now feel are the deeps of the space, the beyond within, the infinite without.
Love and loving are basic.
Hostility is redundant.
Fear is non-sense.
"Death" is a myth.
I am I.”
(John C. Lilly)
of safe beliefs, a particular way of life.
Experiment! With life, with love.
Run an exploration of the real and the true degrees of freedom
of life, of love, of the human condition, inside self and in one's
style of life.
Move! Into new spaces beyond one's present concepts of possible/probable/certain real spaces.
Far vaster than I now know are the innermost/outermost realities.
Far more interesting than I now feel are the deeps of the space, the beyond within, the infinite without.
Love and loving are basic.
Hostility is redundant.
Fear is non-sense.
"Death" is a myth.
I am I.”
(John C. Lilly)
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas.
Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness." (Terence McKenna)
Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness." (Terence McKenna)