Matthew ryan herget
Matthew Ryan Herget (b. 1990, Miami, Florida) is a lifelong artist with a passion for oil painting.
He is fueled by a love of life, exploration, and discovery.
Herget’s work is expressed as energetic mixed-media paintings, photography, digital works, poetry, murals, sculpture, and experience.
Herget is fascinated with art as life, transformation, experience, growth, healing, and understanding.
He views art as a timeless transcendent force of the world - to uplift, transmute, express, and bridge
deeper communication with the spirit and consciousness of humanity.
Herget’s paintings are spirited adventures with experimental paint application.
In Herget’s practice, utilization of palette knives, brushes, fingers, spray paint, computers, collage, crystals, hair, foliage,
power-sanders - whatever is necessary to unfold the painting - is fair play. Each painting develops into a sculptural
excavation site, where removing layers of paint is just as integral to the painting process as applying it.
In his studio, paintings ebb, flow, grow, evolve, and may take years to be considered complete.
For Herget, something needs to come out; it is his responsibility to pay attention and facilitate the
unfoldment of that to take place.
Herget has displayed work in five solo exhibitions in the United States.
His art has been shown in galleries in Miami, Los Angeles, New York, Dallas, San Francisco, Long Beach, Seattle, and Tampa.
He has contributed to group exhibitions in The Long Beach Museum of Art, Armory Art Week - New York, and Miami Art Week.
Herget’s work is collected by passionate art lovers around the world.
His studio is currently in Miami, FL.
My Work is Deeply Influenced by Explorations into Life -
As I - Unfold - In This - Now Space.
I Study - The Happenings.
Is-ness Is The Business.
Truth’s Crass - Beauty, Guts, Brass Tacks -
Blood, Sweat, Tears, Hopes, Fears, Jokes -
Art - Ought Be - Electricity that Separates - Fleshy Feet - from - Warm Grass.
A Spine of Lightning - Connecting to Pirate Seas.
Alas! I Am Human. Human-Being -
Of - The Beat of Pounding Drums -
In A Mountain River - I Run -
I Am - A Listening Heart -
Open To - All My Eyes -
All - I - See - Is - Art -
No Disguise -
Trust - Thy - Heart -
Be - Thy - Art -
Smile - When - Raining -
That - Is - Pain-Ting -
Curious - Cosmic - Children -
Laughing & Playing -
Giggling & Whispering -
Magical Mysteries -
That’s - All - This - Is -
Ahh - What A Life It Tis’ -
Home & Far -
Things of Stardust -
Walking on Earth’s Crust -
It Makes One Blush & Flush Tear Ducts.
That’s For Us -
Let It - All Out -
Live Deep - Deep Dive -
Let Go - Fly High -
As Connection - Of Connection -
Listening To - Eternal Direction -
Beings of Light -
Spirit - So - Bright -
Hearts of Gold -
Beating -
Protected -
Surrendered -
Respected -
How Does One - Show This?
Help - Unfold That -
Here - As Flow -
Here - To Change -
Here - To Grow - As -
This -
That -
Here -
Today’s - The Gift -
Tomorrow's Whisp -
Head of Dreams -
Lieutenant Bliss -
Uni-Verse -
Vibrational Riff -
One Song - Singing -
The Great Bell - Ringing -
Soul - Being - Being -
All Days Long -
Magic Is All -
One Must Crawl -
Be Brave - To Fall
Give Ones All -
Settle Into Space -
Forever - Of - This Place -
The Perpetual Dance -
Chance - Trance - Expanse -
The Trippiest of Trips -
Miracles - Make - All - Exist -
To Now - Is - To Won -
Butterfly Wings - Drying In Sun -
Ready to Make the Plunge -
As - The Great Soup -
Bask In - It’s Fun -
Daughters & Sons -
Know - Thine One -
Rhyme Life’s Puns -
Do What - Thy Does -
Be - Who Is - One -
Feel - Thy Vibrations -
Breathe - Sky Libations -
Who Is One Dealing With ?
The Spirit of All Nations -
This Is - Soul Station -
On - Planet Amazing -
Phoning Home - To Somebody -
Can You Hear What I’m Saying?
Whole Breeze Blown -
All As One -
Brothers & Sisters -
The Path - Comes - With - Blisters -
& Everything Glisters -
The Show - Goes - Forever -
What A - Clever Endeavor -
Infinite Land’s - Ladies & Misters -
From - Grasslands, to Ocean Basins, & Back Again -
I - Gazing Through - The Mirror - Back - At Them -
As Me -
As We -
As Thee -
Sacred Trust - That Is Us.
Dinosaur Bone Marrow Pharaoh Energy -
The Sound of Nothing. The Color of Invisible.
As Old As It Goes -
As Deep - As One - Could - Know -
Crackle-Snap of Fired Wood - Under Ancient - Desert Stars.
They Are We -
We Are Us -
Sacred Dust -
Bold A Must -
Where - One Roams - Is All - Our Home -
My How One Grows -
What Has One Sown ?
Soil - Is - Fungi's Throne -
Cease -
Come In Peace -
Honor - Thy Gnomes -
We Are - The Drugs -
We Are - The One -
Trees Are Devine -
Water Is Sublime -
Waves Run Time -
Now Is A Shrine -
Kingdom Thrive - Behind - The Eyes -
Free-Dome - Is - In - The Mind -
Reality Needs - No Guise.
All - Is - Glistening & Wise -
Is - One - Seeing & Listening ?
It’s Wild.
Teacher & Student -
At - The Same - Time -
In - This - Now -
No One Ever Knows Why.
Just Flows -
Bow Nose.
Bless Foes.
Stand Naked - In Clothes.
It’s What There Is To Do -
May As Well Get On Doing What One Ought To -
We Are - The Talisman -
The Universal Establishment -
Spirit Kin -
Lesson Twins -
The Studio | The School | The Hymn
Climbing - Life’s Mountain
Breath Upon Breath, Again -
Thank You For This Day.